Private Facebook Chat

Chris Robison, Scott Ruoti, Timothy W. van der Horst, and Kent Seamons

The number of instant messages sent per year now exceeds that of email. Recently users have been moving away from traditional instant messaging applications and instead using social networks as their primary communications platform. To discover attitudes related to instant messaging and its security, we have conducted a user survey. This paper also presents the design of PFC (Private Facebook Chat), a system providing convenient, secure instant messaging within Facebook Chat. PFC offers end-to-end encryption in order to thwart any eavesdropper, including Facebook itself. Finally, we have conducted a usability study of a PFC prototype.

Chris Robison, Scott Ruoti, Timothy W. van der Horst, and Kent Seamons. 2012. Private Facebook Chat. In Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference on Privacy, Security, Risk, and Trust and 2012 International Conference on Social Computing. IEEE.
